Clearwater, FL 33764, US
(727) 999-0291
(727) 999-0291
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Available Puppies
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Kingston Doodles
Kingston Doodles
Kingston Doodles
Kingston Doodles
Welcome to our K9 Family! Labradoodles, Goldendoodles & Bernedoodles
Welcome to our K9 Family! Labradoodles, Goldendoodles & Bernedoodles
Welcome to our K9 Family! Labradoodles, Goldendoodles & Bernedoodles
Welcome to our K9 Family! Labradoodles, Goldendoodles & Bernedoodles
Welcome to our K9 Family! Labradoodles, Goldendoodles & Bernedoodles
Lucy, our sweet girl who everyone loves, enjoys her time playing in the storms and loving on everyone. She is every dog’s favorite buddy to be with.
Crissy, our red goddess, is a true love and enjoys her furry friends and loves her people to no end. Her pups are her wold and she loves to share them
Lulu, our soon to be Great Grandma has retired from breeding and is now living her best life with her best buds and helps all the new mama’s.
Chloe, our goofy golden whose sole purpose is to be your best bud and play. She loves her toys like no other.
Kona, she is the reason we love the Bernedoodle. Sweet, loving and knows no boundaries. She loves her car rides and cuddles.
Willow, also known as Little Bit, is our little Bernedoodle who loves to just be with puppies, she is always loving on and playing with other’s pups.
Rags, is our sweet red English/Australian Labradoodle, there is none sweeter. Her mother being Lucy, grandmother Lulu and great x2 Grandma Stella
Nala, this sweet little girl loves to be on your lap, love on everyone and wants to be near you. She loves kids and her sole purpose is to love all.
Lili/Lulu Our most loving mini Golden Doodle. She loves to love and spends her days cuddling and kissing all. A smart cookie with lots of love.
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